Sunday, January 27, 2008

Violence, Anyone!

If one sit with a certain degree of attention to ones immediate surrounding's one of the first and interesting perceptions one will have is that this mechanism thought is limited. Even with the discoveries of many amazing scientific facts and all of the hype and speculation that such discoveries bring, one should be humbled by the precariousness of ones position, there is also at the same time a sense of real appreciation for the marvelous nature of which we are apart. One of my favorite shows Star Trek, the opening line Space the Final Frontier ends with the line that is very appropriate response to the nature of fear and the means by which one may if not end Fear as it appears within ones mind, then at least a means by which one may not let it stand in the way of discovery. To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before.
There is of course a tremendous difference between psychological fear and the fear that is their as a means of addressing an immediate danger, which is not debilitating, but having just the opposite effect of bringing one to immediate action by putting the system in overdrive. Isn't nature marvelous, well it ought to be it is or seems to be not only vastly intelligent but selectively so and able to adjust imperceptible to all sorts of patterns and signals and its capability to adapt at very quick rates to very often times sever changes is astounding. this should bring us hope as a species that we may indeed survive and develop and possibly come to a new level, New in the sense not of expectation of some type of order or ideal without. But more of an understanding of ourselves. Really the scientist who are done trying to publish their name and the Guru who is done trying to be worshiped all feel within the same nature the same intelligence that no one can prove as of yet, which may only be another aspect of mind, but which is spoken of and felt by all those having taken the time to consider such things. One of the first things which will be cool to talk about and break down together John is the topic Violence.


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