Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Starting Point

This Blog intends to record parts of a continuing dialogue between a "stepfather" and a "stepson", as to our ever changing perceptions, thoughts, feeling and aspirations about the difficult art of living. Our ages are a conventional generation apart; John, the father at 65, and David, the son at 40. This dialogue began 35 years ago as our lives intersected when a family of two and a family of three optimistically, yet naively, embraced a hybrid family of five. Since John/David know the "highlight history" of our shared past, and because we expect few unrelated readers to have interest in our personal story, we will just pickup with where we now are......which would be, semi-rich/semi-retired/semi-healthy/semi-wise (John in Missouri) & semi-poor/semi-employed/inordinately healthy/cautiously wise (David in Florida). Presumably "posts" will alternate between each of us, and as a set explore an "idea of interest". With this Starting Point, we begin!

john & david

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